ThinApp Repository Report

When you’re using ThinApp to package your software packages you are bound to end up with a huge repository after some time. Of course you have documented each ThinApp package you made, but sometimes you will need to produce a quick-and-dirty report. Then it’s handy to fire up a PowerShell script, instead of reading through all the packaging documentation.

With the help of the ThinApp SDK it’s quite easy to produce such a report.

The script


Line 1: Define the root directory of your ThinApp packages repository.

Line 3: Open the interface to the ThinApp SDK. See also my Using the ThinApp SDK from PowerShell post.

Line 5: Retrieve, recursively, all the EXE and DAT files from the repository. The reason for this is that the main data container can be in both types of files.

Line 6: Only look at the main data containers.

Line 7: Open the main data container

Line 8: Retrieve all the options that are defined for the package.

Line 10-32: Extract the required information for the report from the Options data.

Line 19: Translate the SID into a human-readable name 🙂

Line 33: Export the report to a CSV file

Sample run

The use of the script is quite straightforward, just enter the path to the root of your ThinApp repository in line 1 of the script.

Run the script and it will produce a CSV that looks something like this. For simplicity’s sake I used abstract names for the application names 🙂

Note that the PermittedGroups columns contains the actual AD Group names instead of the SIDs.

The report also shows the required apps that are defined for an application.



    I just used this script and its awesome.
    But I have following question:
    I want to know the sandbox name for alot of subfolders.
    But I only get result from 1, all the thinapps is separated in differend folders under the repository.
    How can I edit the script to get the result from all subfolders??

    Thank you!


    Is there a way to get a report from View on which users have which thinapps installed? Our users are assigned thinapps from view.


      Hi George, as a matter of fact I was recently looking into such a function. Let me get back to you.



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