Cloud-init – Part 2 – Advanced Ubuntu

In Cloud-init – Part 1 – The Basics, we laid the groundwork for using cloud-init in a vSphere environment. In this post we will go into more advanced Ubuntu setups. This includes deploying PowerShell, v6 and v7, using repositories and if needed, a GUI with Visual Studio Code.

Continue reading Cloud-init – Part 2 – Advanced Ubuntu

At Your Fingertips

How often have you been finding out the PowerShell version you were using, or to which vSphere Server you were connected, or in which git repo/branch your code was being stored, or… Despair no more, it can now be available at your fingertips.

The following is a write up of a part of session HBI1729BU ,that was presented at VMworld US 2019.

The code shown in this post is also available in the PowerCLI Community Repository.

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