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Here string and variable substitution

As mentioned in another Dive (see Here strings and the ExpandString method) Here strings are a convenient way to prepare scripts you are submitting through Invoke-VMScript or Invoke-VMScriptPlus.

But there are some caveats you should be aware off. Most of these are how the variable substitution will work when you call the ExpandString method.

  • For variables you don’t want to be substituted, you need to escape the dollar sign with a back-tick. Note that this is also true for the Booleans $true and $false.

  • Put strings in quotes, otherwise PowerShell will try to interpret them as cmdlets or functions.

  • When referencing properties from an object, use the correct notation.


    Another Rhoads


    I’ve followed you for many years now and have appreciated you sharing your expertise.

    Nowadays I’m still finding your help!

    My example:

    Tried to use escaped variables embedded into the here-string but could
    not get the string to update during the ForEach-Object loop so using
    “{0} -f placeholders”

    *** Example – NOW working – of using escaped variables:

    ${HelpTop} = @”
    \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help$(${PSItem}.Name) cmdlet.txt

    Open explorer to all help files
    Start \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\

    Get-Help $(${PSItem}.Name) -Full | clip


    \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\$(${PSItem}.Name) cmdlet.txt

    Open explorer to all help files
    Start \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\

    Get-Help $(${PSItem}.Name) -Full | clip


    (Get-Command -Verb Write).Where({${PSItem}.CommandType -eq “Cmdlet”}) |
    ForEach-Object {
    $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString(${HelpTop} )

    Get-Command -Module RobocopyPS |
    ForEach-Object {
    $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString(${HelpTop} )

    *** Example – working – of using placeholders (just one {0}):

    ${HelpTop} = @”
    \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\{0} cmdlet.txt

    Open explorer to all help files
    Start \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\

    Get-Help {0} -Full | clip


    (Get-Command -Verb Write).Where({${PSItem}.CommandType -eq “Cmdlet”}) |
    ForEach-Object {
    ${HelpTop} -f $(${PSItem}.Name)

    Get-Command -Module RobocopyPS |
    ForEach-Object {
    ${HelpTop} -f $(${PSItem}.Name)

    Get-Command -Module RobocopyPS |
    ForEach-Object {
    ${HelpTop} -f $(${PSItem}.Name) | Out-File -FilePath \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\”$(${PSItem}.Name) cmdlet.txt” -Force
    Get-Help $(${PSItem}.Name) -Full |
    Out-File -FilePath \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\”$(${PSItem}.Name) cmdlet.txt” -Append
    “========== nnn" | Out-File -FilePath \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\"$(${PSItem}.Name) cmdlet.txt" -Append

    (Get-Command -Verb Write).Where({${PSItem}.CommandType -eq "Cmdlet"}) |
    ForEach-Object {
    ${HelpTop} -f $(${PSItem}.Name)

    (Get-Command -Verb Write).Where({${PSItem}.CommandType -eq "Cmdlet"}) |
    ForEach-Object {
    ${HelpTop} -f $(${PSItem}.Name) | Out-File -FilePath \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\"$(${PSItem}.Name) cmdlet.txt" -Force
    Get-Help $(${PSItem}.Name) -Full |
    Out-File -FilePath \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\"$(${PSItem}.Name) cmdlet.txt" -Append
    nnn” | Out-File -FilePath \\hshome\Shared\IS\TSS\ESG\Backup\!\Dev\PowerShell\Help\”$(${PSItem}.Name) cmdlet.txt” -Append


    THANK YOU SIR, that worked perfectly 🙂


    Hi, Thanks for your work.

    I’m trying to use Invoke-VMScript to run the linux sed command on VM guest.
    I could really do with your expertise to help ?
    Problem I’m having, is that it doesn’t like the double-quotes ” and is not using the variable :
    $scripttext1=”sed -i -e “s/$vm.templateip/$vm.guestip/g” /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 && cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0″
    Write-host “$scripttext1”

    Get-VM $vm.guestname | Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $($scripttext1) -GuestCredential $template_root_credential

    Output :
    PS F:\vmscripts> .\test_script.ps1
    At F:\vmscripts\test_script.ps1:61 char:27
    + … “sed -i -e “s/$vm.templateip/$vm.guestip/g” /etc/sysconfig/network-sc …
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Unexpected token ‘s/$vm.templateip/$vm.guestip/g” /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 && cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0″‘ in expression or statement.
    + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken

    I would sincerely appreciate any assistance you may be able to provide ?



      Hi Levent,
      When you want to mention properties of an object in a string, you need to enclose them in $().
      That way PowerShell knows how to substitute them.

      Try something like this

      $scripttext = @'
      sed -i -e "s/$($vm.templateip)/$($vm.guestip)/g" /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0; cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

      $scripttext1 = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($scripttext)

      Write-host "$scripttext1"

      Get-VM $vm.guestname |
      Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $scripttext1 -GuestCredential $template_root_credential

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