Raiders of the Lost VMX

One of the more popular post in the VMTN PowerCLI community is this one HowTo search for all VMX files in all datastores and register them into VC ?

The original script that I provided in the thread is now more than one year old and there seem to be some issues with clusters in a vSphere environment.

Time to re-write the script and make it a bit more userfriendly.

Update 1: there was an issue when scanning empty datastores

Update 2: added the option to find and register Templates

Update 3 – April 29th 2010: added the option to ignore specific folders

Update 4 – April 30th 2010: fixed parent datacenter lookup problem + added -checkNFS and -whatif option

Update 5 – May 2nd 2010: fixed a bug with nested folders and the -ignore parameter

Update 6 – August 6th 2010: minor changes to the parameter testing and the Get-Usage function

Update 7 – August 17th 2010: fixed a bug with the -dsNames option. Thanks to goonzie for reporting the bug

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