Query vRAM

After the Cloud Infrastructure Launch Forum event from July 12th 2011, it seemed that the new licensing model attracted more blog posts and tweets than the 140 new features in vSphere 5.

As one could imagine, one of the most heard questions was, what will I need to pay in the new licensing model. As a pro-active measure, I decided to write a short script that would tell me what vRAM entitlement my current vSphere 4 licenses would offer me.

Update August 4th 2011 08:30: VMware updated the vRAM calculation specifications. See the VMware vSphereâ„¢ 5.0 Licensing, Pricing and Packaging White Paper.

Update July 13th 2011 14:45: Apparently you have a vRAM pool per license type. I updated the script.

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